Just some works in progress, really... But at least progress is happening? First, the logo/tattoo design? for a sort of mini-project I've been dreaming up, called Pilot Dolls. It's really more of a steampunk and costume design concept than anything, but if Pilot Dolls were being marketed, this would be their logo.
Then, in preparation for thesis, I've been doodling Enfield Beasts at work. The original sketch is about 1.5"x2.5", and then I digitally inked it in Sketchbook Pro 2.0, which is a beautiful little program. There's another one in the composition, but for now I wanted to post the one I do have inked.

Awesome line quality on the running beastie.
You think I only wanted one tattoo design from you? Heh heh. Funny. Neat twist on the traditional swallow design. Text wrap bothers me a little. Doesn't follow the ribbon enough...
Ever since I discovered the rarely portrayed beast the enfield, I've been fascinated by them. I think it's partly the lack of the use of them that makes them so intriguing. That and the rather unique look and abilities of the beast. It also happens to be my real last name so they are especially of interest to me.
Oh, and I forgot to mention before I hit the Publish button that of all the enfield creature pictures I've found, yours ranks among the best. Certainly the most unique as it is not done in the usual heraldic poses.
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