Hextor, on the other hand.... He's the god of tyranny, chaos, and evil things like that. This was somewhere in the realm of 12-15 hours in photoshop after the drawing was done. Pretty much a straight shot, too. I started yesterday afternoon and finished at 7am today. Hextor is specified as having 6 arms, and is traditionally made to look like some sort of goblin or big blue orc-thing. I wanted to go more of an oni-inspired direction, because I think it's visually more interesting and it'll give him and his brother Heironious a much more east-vs-west contrast in the end. Not all of his armor is Japanese inspired, for the sake of aesthetic chaos, but the over all shape is based off of a ronin type of costume. The arrows are because his symbol/insignia is a fist holding six really evil-looking arrows.

I love these! I'm thinking you should make these into trading cards. The lighting on the clothing is super great. What medium did you use?
These are all 100% photoshop over pencil line drawings :) I definitely want to experiment with different sizes and types of prints, I was actually thinking that they're just about the perfect size and shape to print mini-cards--those little half-sized business cards :D
That would be fabulous
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