I only got three prints done, but I had a lot of planning work behind my book project. So here's what I turned in at the final; three prints, two of them in page mock-ups along with the little page number illustrations that no one understood until I did these pages in full. There are little errors here and there, but I'm happy with the images and I think the book as a whole has a lot of potential.

This looser style is really beautiful. You should work more like this!! The illustrations are super fitting for the style of the story too.
See, you THINK these are a looser style--but they're actually the most planned and labored over images of all, on account of being linocut prints. I just about broke my hand doing page 6. But I do really love the look and feel of this kind of printmaking, so hopefully next semester in The Illustrative Print, I'll be getting some more work like this done.
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