As usual, exactly what the title says. Here are some new designs I'm working on for my business cards, and I could really use some feedback on these. I'm planning to print them by the end of this week, along with as-yet-undisclosed postcards (probably two). The beveled corner lines are where these will actually be cut; outside of that is bleed room. I'd really like to do all four, but money may necessitate just printing two or three of them. The plan is to do them glossy on the front (top row) and matte on the back. So, give me some feedback! Like the colors? The images? Yes or no on the gloss fronts, matte backs? Is something seriously wrong with the text? Which two should I pick out of these, if I can only print two? Should I scrap this idea entirely (say that, I'll probably ignore you, many hours have already gone into these).
I think that the mantyger is best of the beasts, especially because it's got a people face. The colors for the back is best for the antelope and the alphyn and the most readable.
I like the colors and readability best on the Alphyn. Mantyger is a great image, but the colors make the text hard to read, IMHO.
i'm partial to the orange one. it's eye grabbing.
you're my hero!
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