So, I probably won't be posting much from this class. But here's a little sample of the work I've done so far in the Life Drawing class I'm auditing this semester. Since it's an audit, I only have drawings from in class, and since it's life drawing they're all 18x24" and way too big to scan. Hence the bad images. Oh well. I like how this class is going, the experience is really helpful.
Love the hands on figure 1, and figure 2 in general.
I'm currently a 22-year-old graduate of the Maryland Institute College of Art illustration department. My book, A Book of Many Beasts, is a kid's (or cool parent's) guide to the imaginative world of heraldry and its creatures. On this blog, I discuss some of the background of the figures included in the book and share new images along the same theme.
Love the hands on figure 1, and figure 2 in general.
Thanks! Hands are always a challenge in a sustained model session, because they almost always change a little after every model break D:
These are pretty cool.
Keep up the good work.
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